Tuesday, May 24, 2016

End of the Year Project for any subject

End of the Year Project for any subject

A huge thank you to Upper Elementary Snapshots for this amazing and FREE project idea! Check it out for yourself here: Upper Elementary Snapshots Blog . I love that you could use this with any subject. I looked back over all the topics we had covered in social studies and made a huge list of about 40 of them. Then, I had the students select 9 of them to research. I encouraged them to choose from different sections in the list so they were reviewing a variety of topics. I loved bringing subjects we studied 8-9 months ago back into their consciousnesses. I made a graphic organizer of two columns- one for them to list their topics and one to write 1-2 sentences about the topic. I should have made it 3-4 sentences in retrospect, but I was worried about the students running out of room. I let the students research the topics either using the internet or textbook (most chose the internet. Surprise, surprise). Then, I used the templates from Upper Elementary Snapshots and made one of the coolest projects ever! I could have used it for my English or math class, as well, I just didn't have enough days left in those classes to make it happen. 

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