Friday, August 9, 2013

Open House Part 2

I very clearly took the summer off in more ways than one! Lol. Sorry for never finishing my open house project blogs! Looking back at May, for math class, I had to think of something we could do that would look nice when displayed, but also be educational! That balance can be difficult to find the older your students get! Then I came up with an idea... we were studying mixed numbers at the time. I had the students figure out their age as a mixed number and then represent it by drawing a timeline and boxes. I LOVE anything where the students can take an abstract concept like mixed numbers, apply it to themselves, and find a way to make it more concrete! I will certainly be doing this in the future. Here's the picture:

Sorry it's so far away. They wrote I am ____ years old on the top, created a number line, and put a dot for their age. They then drew boxes to represent their age (the last box only being part full, except for the student who happened to have a birthday that month!). I'm sure there is a way to make it more artsy as well- gluing graham cracker pieces to the board instead of drawing boxes, etc.

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